Google Teacher Center

Unit Four 28/01/2019
Turns out you can use Gmail translate. This will translate your emails into another language to enable ease of communication with ESOL families.
Google hangouts and groups are also offered as a way to communicate with others.
what I am impressed with in this unit is the ability to organise your emails. You can have three folders, priority, social and promotional. You can also label your emails. This has made emails a lot easier to locate.

Unit Three
This got me to thinking about flipped learning. Please see my page on this.

Unit Two 20/01/2019
Expanding you Access to Help and Learning
How to search on Google - believe you already know this. I challenge you to take a look anyway. I bet you will learn something new.

Ok Google or Hey Google (one and the same) To those of you who are growing up in this tech world and already know this will miss the amazement of just discovering that once set up Google can replace typing or tapping anything ever again on your phone. It literally does it for you simply say "ok Google + (any command you want)" and it will do it from reading your schedule to adding to it, reading text from selected people or most recent, to directions to a friends house as well as call a friend. if you can do it so can Google. The how to is linked to the How to search on Google link above.

Bookmarks have the ability to be organised into folders. Simply open your bookmark and go to more (the three little lines top right) there is so much more you can do. Or simply ask google and use the video search.

The google community is world wide. You can set up Google Group, G+ accounts, PLNs and so much more to connect.

Google for Educators Directory - This will help you locate experts to support your journey of using google tools

Unit One 19/01/2019
Thinking about how i can improve my knowledge of the tech world and the resources on offer to us as educators.
The world is for ever putting out new and interesting. We just have to have an idea and type it into google and before you know it thousands of others have already created resources that compliment your idea.

How can the G Suite support me in my learning and my children with the digital world?

I have begun my journey on Teacher Center  Google for Education. I am already a user of Google docs (it can do so much more?), Slides, Youtube, (play lists what are they and how do I do this?) I have dabbled in forms and I know about classrooms. I also use google search multiple times a day and never new about "search operator".

Using Slides to carry out in the moment teaching. Add forms and in real time we have statistical information record, and graphed ready for analyses.

How do I teach this to my 7 yr olds when they are not allowed facebook accounts but are communicating with complete strangers on Mindcraft? 
Digital Citizenship - children need to be learn to keep themselves safe.
There is so many ideas. Teachie Tech is one I have found that has great ideas.

How can I augment books and use google tools to improve classroom learning?
I will be looking into google forms to do this and will add to this post in due course.
