I have discovered the knowledge construction is knowledged gain through prior experiance and conversations with others that can then be applied to another context.
Computational thinking is problem solving in an easily step by step method to complete a task be it human or non human. i have demonstrated computational thinking and knowldge construction throughout my lit review process.
My knowledge is certainly grown with in this area and also my relisation for research within the field of education to support our decissions as teachers around teaching practises we embark on.
My personal experiance around the research lit review.
I am looking at computational thinking and knowledge construction linking it to the New Zealand curriculum. I have discovered the knowledge construction is knowledged gain through prior experiance and conversations with others that can then be applied to another context.
Computational thinking is problem solving in an easily step by step method to complete a task be it human or non human. i have demonstrated computational thinking and knowldge construction throughout my lit review process.
My knowledge is certainly grown with in this area and also my relisation for research within the field of education to support our decissions as teachers around teaching practises we embark on.
Computational thinking has driven my approach to how I have researched this paper. I have had to plan and problem solve the whole through. I have had to think and rethink my question based on the research I was able to obtain. I have had to research structures of reviews, how to analysis, etc, I have looked at sequencing. It is starting to sounda little like writing. Computational thinking is in everythign we do. It is the process in which we take to ensure we can produce a finished product, yet it is the finished product we assess. In this experiance I have learnt a great deal more from the process than the product. Will this be seen in my product? Can this be assessed? Are we assessing the right part of the learnign as educators?
Very insightful Michelle. Great read!